Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Another One

So many people ask me when I'm going to have another baby. I get it from family, friends, strangers. It doesn't  upset me at all. I just think it's funny that people just assume that since Webb is a whopping two years old, I should be spitting another baby out before the 'age gap gets too big.' Chris and I have talked a lot about having another baby. Right now though, I am enjoying every single second of my brown-eyed boy. I honestly can't imagine dividing my time between him and an infant. Webb is so busy and active and loves being on the go. We're outside a lot, at the park, going on bike rides, going fun places, and just living life. There is plenty of time ahead of us for more children. Right now, I'm giving 100% of myself- we are giving 100% of ourselves to our sweet boy and I wouldn't have it any other way.



  1. It's funny, but I've gotten the "Will you have any more?" question the most since I had Sam. It's like they're gauging exactly how crazy I am. Just a little crazy-since we chose to have more than 2 children, or totally crazy-because more than 3 would be absurd! :) You enjoy that punker and you'll know when it is the right time for another.

  2. I totally agree, girl! I love how you put that--we are giving 100% of ourselves to our daughter--life is good right now. PS--it was so good to see you this week!
