Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Powk

The "powk" is what Webb calls the park across from our new house. This morning, we went over to do some things and I took Webb to the "powk" while daddy cleaned out some furniture the former owner left behind. Webb went down the big curly slide by himself for the first time and we spent a fair amount of time on the "sings" (swings). Then we strolled through the neighorhood and met a few new neighbors and saw some old friends who we're happy to be near again. I think Webb will love living near the "powk." It was the last word he said tonight before going to bed. And from the picture, you can see how much fun he had!

Hope everyone is staying cool! This weather is re.donk.u.lous.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fresh Air

So lately our daily routine has been wake up, pack boxes, eat, pack boxes, play, pack boxes, anwer the phone, do laundry, pack boxes . . . well, you get the point. Little Webb has been so good and has played and been entertained by a little too much television. He stayed with grandparents Saturday so we could do some shopping for the new house and yesterday he went to his sitters so we could well, pack boxes, so today after nap time, I thought we'd do something fun with him. I was really tired but knew that a nap wasn't in the cards, so we went to the park for some fresh air and Webb time. As I got out of the car, I searched for my cell phone. I couldn't find it right off, so I just decided to leave it in the car. I didn't need to be plugged in and everyone that matters knew where we were. So Webb had my undivided attention the whole time.  And boy did we have a ball. That fresh air really made a difference for both of us. He ran and played and I just watched and talked to him and thanked my lucky stars that I was his mama and that very very soon, our home would be right across from that park. Where fresh air, swings, long walks, and picnics could await us at any given moment.

And, no blog entry is complete without these guys. So thankful for sweet girlfriends who let my child run through their house in his diaper. I think we're missing one though . . . . :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

There's Something Happenin' Here

We are moving. Next week. Packing a house and mommying my Little have completely consumed me. But all is well. We are beyond thrilled. Everything has come together in perfect timing. God is good. Better run before the Little wakes up. Much to do before we head out for an afternoon at the pool. Cause nothing beats this heat better than some swimmy swimmy time. More on moving later!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Our week

Our first week of summer has been nothing but fun. We've stayed busy with playdates, story time, the pool and then had some down time here doing things around the house and doing our usual read, play, eat routine!

After story time at the library.

Snacking poolside

Wearing your "gassies"

Trying to get Nancy to wear the goggles

Playing in the water!

It's been wonderful to be at home and relax and not rush around in the mornings. We've even let Webb stay up a little later than usual to play and run around outside. These days will pass to quickly and I want to enjoy and remember every single one of them!

Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today I am thankful for

the sound of Webb running through the house and talking non-stop about trucks and Daisy.

time spent with girlfriends.

being able to put Webb down for his afternoon nap.

seeing Chris' smile when we surprised him at work.


curling up for a long nap under a soft blanket. For two hours. :)

Clinque eye cream for saving my oh-so-dry skin!

the thought of spending my days as mommy to this sweet face:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Time and the Living is Easy

Finally! I am done with work for a long while! We have a busy summer planned but we are definitely going to take advantage of play dates, pool outings, story time, and trips to JoJo's for icecream. Last night, we had a cookout at church and had the best time playing, swinging, and eating! Webb loved the huge playground and playing with Jacob, another little boy we go to church with. Daddy also dressed as a hula girl along with several other men from church for a little skit. He was pure hotness in his grass skirt!

Handsome Pawpaw

Attached at the hip

And just for fun . . . your table Mimi got for you at her house. Perfect for icecream dates with Dad.

We are definitely looking forward to a great, laid back summer! I hear it's supposed to be a rainy day tomorrow. I can't wait to spend it cuddled up in pj's, watching cartoons, reading books, and playing with trucks!

Monday, June 4, 2012

18 Month Sweet Sweet Baby Feet

I'm a little late on the 18 month post . . . due in large part to a busy and fun-filled weekend celebrating Memorial Day and enjoying some time on the lake. Webb is growing more and more every week and every time I look back at pictures from "not too long ago" he seems to have changed so much! Here are a few updates of what he's into these days. Warning: This could get lengthy. :)

Talking: While a lot of what he says still sounds like jibberish, he is saying more and more words all the time. Here is a list: leash, eat, see, let's see, go, truck, happy, Mimi, Pappy, Mama, Dada, cat, hat, hop, cracker, water, Isa, sit, shoes, milk, yuck, ouch, pop, cook, honk, keys, go, Hal, Daisy, hi, bye bye, light. "Light" was his first word- and was my first word too.

Eating: Picky, picky, I tell ya. Some days, we eat well, others we don't. Some favorites are bananas, strawberries, avocado, graham crackers, goldfish, Cheerio's, spaghetti, lettuce, feta cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, pickles, sweet taters, and black beans . . . oh, and of course, Mimi's homemade vanilla icecream.

Wearing: Size 6 shoe, 5/6 diapers, 18-24 month clothing.

Playing: Stacking things, reading books, riding in the cozy coupe, running around the house, climbing up chairs and onto tables, pushing toy cars and trucks, playing with the salad spinner, swinging, sliding, flushing toilets, brushing teeth, cuddling with stuffed animals, watching a little Dinosaur Train or Sesame Street, dancing to the Chicken Dance. Did I mention trucks? We are OBSESSED with trucks right now. For real.

Learning: He can point to his ears, eyes, nose, mouth, tummy, and feet, he can get a bookfrom his book box if you tell him the title, he can understand simple one step directions, he can buckle himself into his high chair, he can identify lots of pictures in his word dictionary. He can point to his shirt or pants, or pj's. We're going to start Charles Dicken's Great Expectations next week and begin long division. ;) Really, I think my youngin' is bright. All this documentation is the teacher in me.

But documentation is good because it shows us where we've been and how we were feeling at a certain time and place. I am thankful for the moments kept in writing here on my blog. Reading them always brings a smile to my face and reminds me of how blessed I am. Tonight I went down to check on him and found him sound asleep. I could literally feel my heart skip a beat as I watched him I breathe so softly with his little arms wrapped ever so tightly around Mr. Giraffe. It took all of my willpower (and knowing you absolutely don't wake a sleeping baby) not to wake him so we could play and talk. That will have to wait until the morning . . . I don't know if I can wait that long.

Happy 18 months to our Little Ray of Sunshine. We love love love you!

Swimmy Swimmy Little