Friday, August 13, 2010

Worth the Wait

Sometimes during the day or at night when the house is quiet and Chris and I are snuggled up watching tv, it hits me like a ton of bricks that this life as we know it, will soon be ending. Chris and I were married a little over six years ago and have had a marriage full of love, laughter, and of course, some knock-down-drag-outs, lots of mistakes, hurt feelings, and stubborn hardheadedness. But when I think back over these last six years, I couldn't be more pleased that we've waited to start our family. I really believe that all those bumps in the road have made our marriage stronger. I feel like we can face the challenges of parenthood as we've dealt with our own challenges both individually and collectively. The time we've spent leading the youth in church has drawn us closer to God and closer to each other, giving us a more steady foundation for raising a child in a Christian home. When I think back to our first few years of marriage, I realize we were just children ourselves- still having fun and struggling somewhat in 'adult' responsibilities. We've built a house, raised two dogs, gotten a Master's Degree, changed jobs once or twice, and are finally ready to bring this child into our family. It has truly been worth the wait- I wouldn't trade my 'just us' time for anything in the world. I know this next step will bring its own set of hardships, struggles, and sleepless nights, but I know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we're ready to face the music and raise our son together.


  1. Love this post, Amanda! I agree with you, 100% -- I wouldn't trade our 12 + years of marriage, "just us" time, for anything! We are such a team and that will just spill over into parenthood. So excited for you guys!

  2. WOW! 12 years! That's so awesome! I'm excited for ya'll too! It won't be long . . . . :)
