Thursday, December 19, 2013

What a Week

*Disclaimer: Lots of rambling here.

Well, the week started off great. Sunday, I ran my 602nd mile of the year to finish out my first full year of running. I felt great after my 10 mile run. We had a great afternoon. I planned a baby shower, wrapped Christmas presents, and did things around the house. Monday, I was observed by my principal, felt great, did great, all was just great! Then Monday night, out of the blue, I started feeling like I was getting another sinus infection. I self medicated and went to bed early. Woke in the night with a headache- again self medicated. I had my gym clothes laid out and a plan to meet my friend Allyson for a 5 a.m. workout. Woke up at 4:30 feeling like a train had run over me. Went to work, felt horrible. Ran to the drugstore for more OTC meds to self medicate, still thinking it was just a sinus infection. By 2:00, I was about to fall over so I went to the doctor. He checked me out and said they'd do a flu test to rule that out. Laid on the table in doctor's office crying, I felt so badly. He came back 10 minutes later to confirm the worst. Flu. Go home, get in bed. Mom brings Tamiflu and Tylenol. Get Webb situated to spend the night at Mimi's. Chris sleeps upstairs in guest room.
Yesterday morning, woke up, felt ok, still blah, and stopped up. Coughing, congested, etc. Spend the day on the couch watching movies. Felt a little better. Webb comes home. We think all is well as long as avoid close contact (dr. said he was already exposed Monday night) so we played and ate dinner. Chris feels yucky and has a little fever. He puts Webb to bed. I'm hoping a good night's sleep will help him feel better and that I'll feel well enough to do a few things that Santa needs to do before the big day. Wake up, Webb is fine. I'm ok, still blah and stopped up. Chris feels yucky. Calls doctor. I take Webb to preschool and run a quick errand. Come home and feel like I've been run over by a train. Chris texts with his update. Flu. I immediately begin going into small panic mode. Worried about my boy. Hoping that daddy putting him to bed last night didn't cause him to get it. Call Dr. Ed's office. They say to just watch for fever. Call Mimi. Worried she and Pawpaw will get it too. She says they're fine. I worry. She says she'll bring us homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. I tell her she's the sweetest Mimi in the world. She says not to worry. She will take care of my baby boy. I hang up, almost in tears. Then she sends me this picture of my boy from preschool. I feel like a horrible mom. I can't pick him up, hear about his fun morning, and put him down for his nap. I remind myself that that's why God made Mimi's. To love and cuddle my Webb too.

So here we both are, all laid up at home like a bunch of sick, dying people. My boy is BACK at his Mimi's this afternoon while we rest up. All that matters right now is that Webb is happy and well and that we all get better by Christmas. Someone is so excited about Santa!
Webb before his Christmas party at preschool. Oh, how I love my Goose!
Definitely asking for prayers for everyone to feel better and be back to normal in time for Santa. There's a sweet little boy who is counting on him this year! :)

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