Two years ago today at 8:47 p.m., daddy and I welcomed you into the world. You were the most beautiful baby boy we had ever laid eyes on. You have grown from a helpless baby into a big two year old who is so full of life. You have a contagious energy about you, beaming from the inside out in all you do. Your laughter and squeals now fill our home. There are trucks, trains, and tractors littered throughout the rooms. There are goldfish in the couch cushions and in our car floor boards. You talk so well and listen well most of the time. You love Elmo, The Wiggles, trucks, drawing clocks, drinking milk, and climbing on everything in sight. You want daddy to put you to bed but mommy to get you up in the morning. You love playing Crazy Baby with Nancy and rough housing with daddy. You love reading with Mimi and getting fed icecream by Pawpaw. You love Harry Hat and helping her feed the doggies. You often say to mommy "Let me hold ya" which means you want me to carry you. You can count to ten but then continue with fourteen and sixteen. You can say your ABC's with help. You can say the blessing with a big "Amen" at the end. You help around the house by throwing things away and putting your dishes in the sink. You love playing outside with your lawnmower, digging in the dirt, going to the park, and riding in the buggy on daddy's bike. You enjoy being read to if it's about trucks or diggers. You tell us when you need a diaper change and when you're ready for bed or naptime. You are a picky eater. You love the Ingram's, Larche, Mary Berkley, and Lucas. You love Daisy and Madden and going to Donna's house. You hate getting dressed or not getting milk when you really want it.
You are without a doubt the love of our lives. I can't really explain how much joy you bring to us. We both love you to the moon and back and look forward to watching what you learn between now and your next birthday. If it's anything like what you've learned this past year, we are seriously in for a crazy ride. :)
So here's to our Sweet Wilson Webster. Our beautiful boy on his 2nd Birthday. We love you.
Mommy and Daddy
Here are pictures from Webb's "Birthday Fire Truck Party." It was a special day for us to celebrate and loved having our closest friends and family here to help us!
Webb's Mimi made this cake! Not only was it precious, it tasted yummmmmy!
And she made these cupcakes. THANK YOU, Mimi!
Waiting for the party to start!
These two were seriously into "Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site." Ford is a reader folks. :)
Webb and Daisy. The other "love of his life" aside from Carrie Carrie.
Beautiful RuRu.
Sweet Mimi and Pawpaw with a tricycle for Webb!
Mommy and Webb before Sunday School