Sunday, May 23, 2010

Catching Up

It's been over a month since I blogged so since I had a little time today, I thought I'd catch up on the current news at the Fulton house! The big news is that back at Mother's Day, we announced that we are expecting our first baby this November! We had kept it a secret for about two and a half months and purposefully waited until Mother's Day weekend to tell our families! It was a wonderful surprise and was celebrated all weekend. We had already told my sister and Jeff. We are very close to them and wanted them to be the first to know. Here is a recap of the latest developements:

1. Mother's Day weekend- We gathered our families together for dinner. Inside the Mother's Day card to my mom, Chris' mom, and his grandmother was a picture of our very first ultrasound picture. As soon as they opened it, the room exploded with screaming, laughter, tears, and lots of hugs. It was a PERFECT way to announce our surprise. That night, I called a few close friends to tell them and then on Sunday, Chris surprised me in the best way possible. Inside the special Mother's Day bulletin at church, he wrote a personalized message to me for all to see. It was incredibly sweet and thoughtful. Another reason why this life is SWEET! I was also able to call several friends that afternoon to share the news with them!

2. First Baby gift- My sweet sister surprised me with the cutest little onesie thingy for Mother's Day! She found it at Rolly's in Winston. It's like a little sack with elastic at the bottom instead of legs. It's a coming home outfit for Baby Fulton! I will definitely be going back there to look for more goodies.

3. First Heartbeat- About two weeks ago, we got to hear our babies' heartbeat for the first time! I had seen it on the first ultrasound she did at 8 weeks but it was still too early to hear it. So at my 12 week visit, she did an ultrasound and we got to SEE it and HEAR the beating heart! It was the most amazing thing I've EVER seen! Chris and I were grinning from ear to ear. We can't wait to go back in June and find out the sex!

4. Crib and nursery furniture- CHECK! Last weekend, my brother brought me several pieces of furniture for the nursery. The first is a bassinet that my dad, my aunt, uncle, brother, sister, nieces, and I all slept in! It's a beautiful white wicker piece that has lots of meaning. It needs a little love but mom is already wanting to pick out fabric for the skirt. We also got my nieces crib! When we go back to the coast in June, we're going to pick up the matching dresser/changing table and shelves that match. It's a Lexington HomeBrands line so it's wonderfully made. We are very fortunate to have such a great family to help out!

5. First time shopping for maternity clothes- a TOTAL BUMMER! :( I was in Greensboro so I thought I'd stop by Target to pick up a bunch of summer tops and dresses. I had a vision of the mound of items I would find because the maternity section at the one in Winston is great! Well, the one in Greensboro is far from great. They had ONE rack of maternity clothes! And ONE rack of bathing suits. Needless to say, I did find two cute dresses, both of which can be worn to work, and one of which I can dress up for a wedding we've got coming up. I also found a cute strapless one piece bathing suit. It's flattering and will work well until I can find some other ones. I headed to Old Navy which was a BUST. Their maternity section looked horrible . . . so I headed to Kohl's and found a cute little gray wrap-around dress for half price. Score. A dear friend at work has recommended Motherhood Maternity Outlet Store so I think I'll not waste time at Target anymore and hopefully stop in soon to grab a few things. Once school is out, I won't need dressy things, just casual tops and skirts. Hopefully the next trip will be a little more exciting and productive.

That's all for now . . . I'll try to do better updating during this exciting time! Now it's time for a nap!


  1. So excited for you guys! That's awesome that you already have your nursery furniture taken care of! Jeff is making our crib and dresser so I'm super-excited about that. As soon as we find out what our little one is on Thursday, I can make some decisions about bedding.

    Looking forward to hearing all about it here!

  2. I am so happy for you and Chris!! I can't wait to hear if Baby Fulton will be a girl or boy. Keep us updated about all things pregnancy and baby. :-)

  3. Isn't this the best journey you've ever been on??? That heartbeat is the sweetest sound in the world!!! Just a warning...Rachel was not very cooperative with letting us see that she was a girl...she was born in January and we didn't know until December!!! No one told me that it was possible to not find out. Hopefully Little Fulton will cooperate!!
