Monday, February 14, 2011

Throwing 'They grow up fast' in the garbage!

I can't count the number of times people have commented to me that I best enjoy my baby while he's little because "They sure do grow up fast" or "He'll be driving before you know it." While I appreciate people telling me to enjoy the younger years, I am obligated to stop and wonder why I hear these statements so often. I have come to the conclusion that we as a society, force children to grow up quickly. We blink our eyes and realize that the days have passed too quickly and our children are grown and getting married. Why does this happen? In my opinion, it's the result of a world gone insane with running ourselves here, there, and everywhere day-in and day-out with the outcome being the thought of 'where has the time gone?!?!' Well, my friends, I think if we slow down and stop running our children to all-day triple headers, basketball practice, soccer practice, dance, and scouts, we might just have time to enjoy their childhoods. I have read many a facebook updates where mamas were spending their Saturdays on a ball field watching their seven year old play ball ALL afternoon! No wonder you say that children grow up fast. They're spending less time engaging in imaginative play around the house or in the back yard or having family meals at the dining room table and more time being coached by Billy's dad and eating fast-food in the car on the way to the game. I once knew a lady with a young son who would tell me stories of the tot changing clothes in the car on the way to the game while eating his Happy Meal because they were so rushed to get to the game before it started.

So we're back to where we started . . . "They grow up fast." Well, folks, not in this house. I refuse, repeat, refuse, to raise my child in a whirlwind of this sort. Chris and I believe in quality family time, dinners around the table, playing outside, and being at home. I want Webb's childhood memories to be of Saturdays spent playing in the yard, working puzzles on the floor, cooking breakfast with daddy, snuggling with mama, reading books, and building forts. I want to watch him grow up and savor every single minute of him. I must say however, that I don't believe that sports are bad. I believe children need to learn teamwork and how to listen and follow directions. I believe children need to be active in church and organizations like Scouts. All of these create a well-rounded child, which I hope Webb will be. But when the time comes for us to make decisions about his extra-curricular activities, I hope we can choose activities that help him, not make him and us feel like we're running a three-ringed circus. I hope to keep his best interests in perspective and remind myself that he's a little boy- not an adult trying out for the NFL. He'll have plenty of time for fierce competition and serious sports in middle and high school but not when he's a wee one.

I refuse to let him 'grow up fast.' And as his mother, I have that ability. The ability to make choices for our family. I choose family dinners and weekends spent at home. I choose to ignore the insane world of go, go, go. I hope you will too. For the sake of your children. Because I'm sure they do 'grow up fast.'

Daddy had matching toboggans made for you two.

Daddy has hung his carabiner on your playmat. I refuse to let you go climbing until you're 21. If ever. :)

Okay, mama, that's enough pictures for today!

In other news, I ordered you a CUTE bathing suit and sunhat today! We can't wait to put you in the water!

Hope everyone has a good week. And Happy Valentine's Day!

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