Thursday, April 8, 2010

New addition!

No, we're not expecting a baby, we're expecting chickens. Yep, you read it right, chickens. Three of them. For about a year now, Chris has been mulling the idea over with little or no support from me. I always think he's just kidding or he's just wanting to get me going. But no, the boy is serious- he's already ordered the plans so he can custom build a hen house. Now this did take some coaxing on both our parts. He had to coax me by pointing out how pretty it will be- like a little playhouse. And Amanda, you know, you'd love having fresh eggs . . . blah, blah, blah. And I had to coax him by requiring that he paint said hen house pale pink. But, I think I've changed my mind, I think it should be yellow to match our house. So after seeing the pure excitement on the boy's face and realizing that chickens aren't nasty- in fact they're quite pleasant and loveable, I have agreed to this. It will be nice to have fresh eggs on hand and several people I know already want to purchase some from us! I just wonder how Isa and Scotch will react to these new pets . . .

Here's what the hen house will look like! Above the flower box is a little window! And I love the tin roof!



  1. I absolutely love the little chicken house!! You should have stuck with the pink house though. I hope you enjoy your fresh eggs and I can't wait to see pictures of your chickies and hear their names.

  2. Seriously!?!? I love it!! We may just be your customers. I was going to buy some free-range eggs at the Salisbury Farmers Market last week, but they were $3.50/dozen...I might as well get my own chicks!!
    The Azars have chickens in their back yard (they live in Catherine Wall's old house) and their boys love them!!
